3 Steps to Slay the ACT?

3 Steps to Slay the ACT?

Nov 10, 2022

Let’s start with an equation (I do love math!)

2 books for less than $50 + practice = possibly thousands of $ in scholarships!

Now this is going to sound like I’m self-promoting, and I am! I wrote a book titled How to Slay the Test: ACT. Proven Strategies to Conquer the College Entrance Exam. (the picture below links right to Amazon – LOL)

slay the test act

I literally wrote the book, so of course I think it can be a huge help to thousands of students. You can use the book on its own, but the most effective way to use the book is in conjunction with the amazing book that the ACT publishes (The Official ACT Prep Guide). (again the picture will link you right to Amazon!)

act book


Step 1

Take the first practice test in The Official ACT Prep Guide. You will need to score the test when you are done, but literally all you need to do is to take the test. We won’t know what you need to work on until you know which questions you are getting wrong. Why I feel so strongly about The Official ACT Prep Guide is that the tests that are in this book are retired ACT tests. This means that you will be taking a “real” test before we figure out where you need help!

Step 2

Turn to page 12 in How to Slay the ACT and highlight or circle the number of every question you got wrong on the practice test.

Step 3

Review the sections of How to Slay the ACT where you were getting questions wrong. If you are short on time, start with the sections where you got the most questions incorrect. In each section I discuss the content related to what you got wrong, I review strategies that can help you on future questions, and I also “walk through” a lot of examples. There is also a list of where you can find similar practice problems in The Official ACT Prep Guide.

Hope this helps!

Tina Wiles, ACT Slayer

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