Tackling Test Anxiety: Effective Ways to Control Pressure During the Digital SAT

Tackling Test Anxiety: Effective Ways to Control Pressure During the Digital SAT

Sep 11, 2023

Anxious Student
Anxious Student

1. Think Of The Test As An Exciting Challenge

  • What feelings do you have when you are nervous about something?

  • What feelings do you have when you are excited about something?

  • Are there any similarities between those feelings?

  1. You Can Take The Test More Than Once

Not that you want to take it many times, but you could! It isn’t like a final!

3. Shrink the importance of the pressure moment

  • A powerful antidote is to be mindful of what is most important in your life.

  • Making a list will help you.

  • Right before a pressure moment, reflect on your “most important” list—it will help you keep your current moment in proper pressure perspective.

4. Focus On Your Mission

  • Stay clear on what you are trying to accomplish

  • What are you trying to accomplish?

  • Why is the test important to you?

5. Expect The Unexpected

Let’s think about the worst things that can happen when you are taking the test!

  • What if you run out of time? Use the 5 min warning…. Pick the same answer all
    the way down (B, B, B, B) never leave blanks!!!! Practice with timing, practice with shorter timing, Limit how much time per question - check the time at the end of two pages

  • What if the smoke alarm goes off? Stay calm!!! Stay in your zone. Practice breathing.

6. Affirm Your Self-Worth

Here are some proven suggestions that will help you affirm your self-worth before your next high-pressure moment—and, equally important, after a high-pressure moment has derailed you.

  1. List your values and their importance to you, so you realize that your identity is not tied solely to the work at hand.

  2.  List your positive attributes; in fact, take a minute or two every day to appreciate them.

7. Flash Back To Your Previous Successes

  • Make a list of the times you were successful (when you were at your best) in pressure moments.

  • Sitting in a comfortable chair, regulate your breathing to a comfortable level.

  • Relive these successful pressure moments, focusing on all the right things you did in each situation. Take your time: The point is to use all your senses—sounds, sights, smells—to relive the experience.

  • Conclude each scene by saying, “I did it.”

  • Repeat the process until you find yourself momentarily flashing back to your successes in your pressure moments.

The best way to prepare for the Digital SAT is to start off with a practice test. Upon completing the practice test, you will be able to set up a 15-minute Zoom call with an expert tutor to go through the results of the practice test and recommendations for how to prepare for your actual Digital SAT. Click this link to get access to the FREE DSAT practice test: https://bit.ly/DigitalSATPracticeTest

About Tina

Tina is the CEO and Lead Tutor at My2tor, a company that provides holistic standardized test preparation for adults and kids across the country and abroad. Her passion is to help students of all ages become more confident so they can increase their test scores and open the doors to their future goals. She uses her experience as an industrial engineer, math teacher, and 16 years as a professional tutor to develop her unique approach to helping test takers: developing a confident mindset, teaching strategies, and reviewing content. This approach humanizes test taking, decreases anxiety, and results in higher test scores.

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