Unlock Concentration: How to Keep Your Attention Sharp on the Digital SAT

Unlock Concentration: How to Keep Your Attention Sharp on the Digital SAT

Sep 11, 2023

There are MANY reasons you might have a difficult time focusing while studying or when you are taking an exam. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with a condition such as ADD or ADHD, or maybe you study for LONG periods of time without breaks. No matter the reason you have a hard time focusing, one thing that can help everyone is being more mindful. What does it mean to be mindful? It means to be fully present, noticing what is going on in our space and our bodies, and to be content, not overwhelmed, with our observations. The more you are in the present moment, the easier it is to be focused on what is in front of you.

The more that you interact with the test, the easier it will be to stay in the present moment. So cross answers off! Use the annotation tool! Use your note sheet!  

Brain Break It might sound counterintuitive, but to help with focus, you need to make sure that you are giving your brain a “break” about every 30 minutes. Below are some ideas for brain breaks. Try some out, write them down, and use them!

The best way to prepare for the Digital SAT is to start off with a practice test. Upon completing the practice test, you will be able to set up a 15-minute Zoom call with an expert tutor to go through the results of the practice test and recommendations for how to prepare for your actual Digital SAT. Click this link to get access to the FREE DSAT practice test: https://bit.ly/DigitalSATPracticeTest

About Tina

Tina is the CEO and Lead Tutor at My2tor, a company that provides holistic standardized test preparation for adults and kids across the country and abroad. Her passion is to help students of all ages become more confident so they can increase their test scores and open the doors to their future goals. She uses her experience as an industrial engineer, math teacher, and 16 years as a professional tutor to develop her unique approach to helping test takers: developing a confident mindset, teaching strategies, and reviewing content. This approach humanizes test taking, decreases anxiety, and results in higher test scores.

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